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[{"QuestionType":6,"QuestionId":5,"QuestionName":"I understand the nature of the sport game and willingly agree to participate in all activities associated with it. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the following information","Answers":[{"AnswerName":"Yes","AnswerId":11,"Answered":"0"}],"QuestionOrder":5},{"QuestionType":6,"QuestionId":6,"QuestionName":"I am aware that participation in the sport game involves certain risks, including but not limited to physical exertion, collisions, falls, and the potential for injury. I acknowledge that these risks exist and accept responsibility for my own well-being while participating in the game","Answers":[{"AnswerName":"Yes","AnswerId":12,"Answered":"0"}],"QuestionOrder":6},{"QuestionType":7,"QuestionId":8,"QuestionName":"I declare that I am physically fit to participate in the sport game.","Answers":[{"AnswerName":"Yes","AnswerId":14,"Answered":"0"}],"QuestionOrder":8},{"QuestionType":8,"QuestionId":9,"QuestionName":"I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the organizers of the sport game. I will conduct myself in a sportsmanlike manner, showing respect to other participants, officials, and spectators.","Answers":[{"AnswerName":"Yes","AnswerId":15,"Answered":"0"}],"QuestionOrder":9},{"QuestionType":9,"QuestionId":10,"QuestionName":"In the event of an injury or medical emergency during the sport game, I authorize the organizers to seek medical treatment and provide necessary care on my behalf","Answers":[{"AnswerName":"Yes","AnswerId":16,"Answered":"0"}],"QuestionOrder":10}]